Daddy, where do Tarutaru babies come from? - Posted by Squeejee First the myth that Tarutaru aren't capable of true romantic love must be dispelled. The taller races often believe this to be true because of the child-like nature of the Tarutaru. Also giving credence to this myth is the equating of sexual intimacy with love, because the Tarutaru do not procreate in the familiar methods of the Elvaan, Humes, or Mithra - through sexual means. "Well if they don't have sex where do all those puntable midgets come from?!" you of the taller races may be bewilderingly asking yourselves. Boy Tarutarus and girl Tarutarus do fall in love, and when they do, and decide it is time to create a Taruling, they make night travel to Starfall Hillock in West Sarutabaruta. As they hold hands under the Starfall Tree and the magic of The Tree swirls around them, an acorn forms in the branches above. From this acorn will come their offspring. You may have at some point seen two boy tarus or two girls holding hands amidst the swirling magic of The Tree, yet no Taruling was sprouted. Tarutarus are magical beings. And as with most magic it may be utilized without full understanding. The most brilliant scholars theorize that the magic involved can be compared to two magnets. Place them - to - or + to + and they will repel each other, but if you place them + to - they will click together. One last question you may ask yourselves is, "If Tarutarus don't have sexual relations, how is it that I see so many 'humping' Tarutarus?" This is an act of aggression or an expression of ownership. If a Tarutaru "humps your leg," s/he is either showing contempt for you, or as it is more prevalent, proclaiming that you are his/her property. Thank you, and I hope this information will be helpful in dispelling the many myths regarding this subject.